Have you ever wanted to run into an ex looking extremely hot or even with celebrity status arm candy? What happens if no matter how hard you try you can't stop thinking about the look on his OR her face when this certain individual "bumps" into you....... finally realizing how amazing you are and how he or she messed up such a good f-ing thing.... I know what you're thinking, how about you get a life and just move onnnnn?
Now I'm no psychologist but I think this feeling is most definitely, totally and bitterly normal... It's gotta be in one of my over priced psych books I forgot to sell back after graduation... not that there's any chance I'd actually take the time to look it up, so I'll just trust my instincts on its normalcy in human social behavior.
Sooooo What I want to know is: if you dont have the same social circle aka you will NEVER run into this individual, is it okay to semi stalk the person? Is it okay to give fate a few sturdy taps on the ass and help it along with forcing you two to run into each other....? And what's going to far:

I mean personally, I think binoculars are an under used under-appreciated tool. We should all have a pair and all be familiar with how to use them. Think about how it would make J. P. Lemiere feel (he invented them in 1825 although none of this would be possible without Galileo of course).
Furthermore, what about a PI as in Private Investigator... and if you can't hire one, what about a friend??

is that going too far?? **Sigh** I'm digressing, since this has nothing to do with me personally, I will suggest that my friend Sarah* give fate a few more months and then we can re visit the issue... but I'd love to hear your comments non the less.... xoxo
* A fake name has been used to protect this persons identity
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