I got to thinking... A. I wonder what color her doorag is..... B. Where did she get it done..... C. Where does she work and have her friends and family said anything about her ummmmmm hair.... When I went home I literally typed in "white women with ghettochic hairstyles" and this is what popped up:

Now the above photo deserves an entry on its own.... like really?!?!?!!?!?!?! Anyways, the woman I saw (damn you Iphone for still not having a flash) looked more like the below, I just couldnt get a good shot because it was too dark:

I'm exhausted y'all (in my Britney Spears half southern TPT accent) so I'll wrap this up, all I'm saying is some styles are just not meant for some people.... Just because Cassie and Rihanna shaved part of their heads doesnt mean you should too.... they are (arguably) drop dead gorgeous and have the face to do so....

vs why oh why?!?

You my friend, may need every strand of hair you've got to help that mug of yours... sometimes you gotta just say "this is not for me- and its okay."
Until next time
Muah xoxox
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