Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jersey Shore- A Myth or a Reality?

Memorial Day weekend, I found myself roaming the streets of Seaside with non other than Bira (her name has been changed until I receive confirmation that she authorizes me to use her real name). I found myself replaying all the times in the past I had said to non jersey shore residents (especially since the show): "its not really like the way they show it on TV!!!"..... Yet, as I looked to the left, looked to the right.... looked up.... looked down....looked to the side.... and even around the corner....this is really all I saw:

So being the DD, gave my the opportunity to really search high and low to find a normal, well and appropriately dressed, living human being on the seaside boardwalk. Needless to say aside from the puke, shoulder boom boxes, italian sweat bands, puerto rican flag head bands, tricked out cars, fake boobs, orange oompa loompa skin, puke, hair extensions, more Bebe and Juicy Couture than I'd care to remember.... three days later, I'm still searching for this normal well behaved, well dressed individual.. ** sigh ** does this person exist or is it only a myth??

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